Training process impact on vertebral column state of junior athletes


Doctor of Medicine, Professor A.L. Dmitriyev
Josef Pilsudski Academy of Physical Education in Warsaw, Poland

The number of studies on the development and diagnosis of the locomotorium degenerative-dystrophic diseases is constantly growing. The socio-economic importance of this problem is noted by WHO, announcing a decade from 2000 to 2010 dedicated to this issue. However, despite numerous studies, the causes and mechanisms of development of degenerative changes to the locomotor system have not been fully identified. Based on the results of the previous studies, it was demonstrated that during degenerative-dystrophic processes in the locomotor system, marked changes in the concentration of the pool of non-essential and essential amino acids are observed both in connective tissue and almost all physiological fluids of the body and muscular tissue. This allowed to supplement the well-known concepts of degenerative-dystrophic changes development.
Objective of study was to determine the impact of training process of young weightlifters on their spine functional and structural state.
Меthods and structure of study. A group of 152 young weightlifters (19 girls and 133 boys) aged 15-16 years and doing sport for 3-5 years was examined. They were thoroughly surveyed about the back pain presence during training process; their spine motor function was determined and spine X-ray pictures, done according to indications to clarify the diagnosis, were examined.
Results of the study and conclusions. The results showed clinical manifestations of dorsopathies in 21% of girls and 15% of boys, whereas some athletes also had radiological manifestations of remodeling vertebrae bone tissue and cartilaginous tissue of the intervertebral discs. The findings allow to suggest that a certain training process orientation probably envisages the development of degenerative-dystrophic changes in the spine of young athletes. This requires methodological and preventive measures to preclude the development of vertebral osteochondrosis signs at a young age.

Keywords: training process, spine, dorsopathy, weightlifters.


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