Motives for competitive activity as factor of anti-victimized personality formation in people with disabilities


PhD, Associate Professor G.N. Nizhnik1
PhD, Associate Professor T.P. Budyakova1
1Bunin Yelets State University, YelSU, Yelets

Objective of the study was to identify motives for competitive activities in people with disabilities belonging to different nosological groups and determine the degree of their implementation during competitions.
Methods and structure of the study. We conducted a sociological survey to identify the subjects' motives for competitive activities. The most significant motives were determined using a ranking method. Sampled for the study were 27 individuals with disabilities, participating in the city olympiad for the disabled.
Results of the study and conclusions. For people with motor disabilities, it is social affirmation motives associated with successful motor activity and self-assessment of own capabilities that are more important. For people with intellectual disabilities, it is emotional motives reflecting the need for emotional support from others and the emotional satisfaction with the competitive activities that slightly prevail. However, the study found that, regardless of the nosological factor, the motives associated with emotional pleasure are understood as the most significant. Less conscious are the motives that include rational elements, such as social and emotional motives.
Motivation to adaptive sports activities is the key element of the anti-victimization program. The use of emotional elements of motivation is not sufficient to form an anti-victimized personality. Special work needs to be done by people with disabilities to realize the importance of other motives for competitive activities.

Keywords: competitions, disabled people with various nosologies, motives, adaptive physical culture.


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