Relationship between sensorimotor integration and motor activity of students with stuttering and those without speech disorders


PhD, Associate Professor A.V. Dobrin
Bunin Yelets State University, YelSU, Yelets

Objective of the study was to analyze the relationship between motor activity and sensorimotor integration of students with stuttering.
Methods and structure of the study. A total of 100 students were examined, including 80 subjects without speech disorders and 20 - with stuttering. Those with stuttering were examined after a course of family speech therapy, which implied the use of a special kinesitherapy complex. Sensorimotor integration was analyzed using the ReBOS methodology that helped evaluate both simple and complex sensorimotor reactions.
Results of the study and conclusions. The sensorimotor integration parameters differed among the students with stuttering and those without speech disorders. It was found that the subjects with stuttering made less omissions in the second part of the simple sensorimotor reaction (0.85±0.98) as compared with those without speech disorders (3.34±6.03). The number of omissions in the second part of the complex sensorimotor reaction was smaller among the students with stuttering (0.90±2.02) as opposed to those without speech disorders (2.31±2.72). The number of errors made during the complex sensorimotor reaction was found to be smaller among the students with stuttering (4.60±3.08) rather than among those without speech disorders (6.41±2.83). The subjects' motor activity specifics was due to both the number of errors (R=0.224, R2=0.050, P=0.011) and the number of omissions (R=0.192, R2=0.037, P=0.030) made in the second part of the complex sensorimotor reaction.
A specially organized motor activity, being associated with complex spatial orientation, contributes to a more accurate perception of the surrounding reality and, as a result, increases the effectiveness of sensorimotor reactions in students with stuttering.

Keywords: sensorimotor integration, sensorimotor reactions, motor activity, stuttering, students.


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