Relationship between highly-qualified female tennis players' physical qualities and competitive performance results


Dr.Hab., Professor A.P. Skorodumova1
I.S. Baranov1
S.D. Semenova1
G.G. Zakharov2
1Federal Scientific Center for Physical Culture and Sports, Moscow
2St. Petersburg Scientific Research Institute of Physical Culture, St. Petersburg

Objective of the study was to determine the relationship between the indicators of different physical qualities and functional abilities of highly-qualified female tennis players and their competitive performance results.
Methods and structure of the study. The study involved the highly-qualified female tennis players. Their functional abilities and physical qualities were rated as part of the stage-by-stage comprehensive testing program. The subjects' aerobic capacities were evaluated in the step load test "to failure" performed on a treadmill. The load was increased every 2 minutes. The anaerobic alactate capacity of the female tennis players was tested during the 6-second maximum intensity work performed on a cycle ergometer. Their physical fitness was rated following a specially developed program for assessing tennis players' physical quality, which consisted of 12 tests.
Results of the study and conclusions. The correlation analysis of the data obtained revealed a close relationship between 6 functional fitness and 4 physical fitness indicators and the competitive performance result. We calculated the percentage ratio of physical qualities depending on their relationship with the competitive performance result. The authors believe that the findings should be used in the planning of the training process of female athletes at the sport excellence and top mastery stages, in lectures to students of physical education universities, coaches in advanced training courses, when writing qualifying papers.

Keywords: female tennis players, correlation analysis, physical and functional fitness rates, competitive activity, sport excellence and top mastery stages.


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