Value-motivational aspects of anti-doping education


Dr. Hab., Professor A.G. Gretsov1, 2
PhD, Associate Professor, director FSBI SPbNIIFK S.A. Vorobev1
A.A. Anzeliovich3
1St. Petersburg Scientific-Research Institute for Physical Culture, St. Petersburg, Russia
2Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia, St. Petersburg, Russia
3Federal Scientific Center for Physical Culture and Sports, Moscow

Objective of the study was to marshal information on which value-motivational messages should be broadcast when considering the main content-related divisions of the anti-doping education program, as well as the main objections on the part of listeners and the ways educators react to them.
Methods and structure of the study. The study was based on the author’s experience in the development and implementation of anti-doping education programs. In particular, we participated in the development of the programs for various target audiences at the request of the Ministry of Sports of the Russian Federation and conducted anti-doping education in a number Children and Youth Sports Schools, as well as among students and trainees of vocational retraining courses of the Institute of Adaptive Physical Education under Lesgaft National State University.
Results and conclusions. Anti-doping education implies not only the broadcast of factual information but also the formation of an attitude to the given problem at the value-motivational level. Due to the constant "doping scandals", athletes and students of sports universities develop a critical attitude towards anti-doping education and anti-doping policy in general. This is manifested in objections and attempts to devalue anti-doping education. Based on the personal pedagogical experience, the article presents the systematization of the value-motivational messages, which should be broadcast when mastering the main content-related divisions of the anti-doping education program, as well as when dealing with the most common objections on the part of the participants.

Keywords: doping, anti-doping education, value of sport.


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