Conditions for training junior hockey players to implement speed-strength capabilities when performing complex coordinated technical actions


Master student A.A. Kuzmenko1
Dr.Hab., Associate Professor T.K. Kim1
Dr.Hab., Associate Professor G.A. Kuzmenko1
1Moscow State Pedagogical University, Moscow

Objective of the study was to identify the educational conditions of training junior hockey players to implement speed-strength capabilities when performing complex coordinated technical actions.
Methods and structure of the study. The following methods were applied during the study: pedagogical observation, testing, cluster analysis of special speed-strength fitness rates, test data interpretation. The study involved the 9-10 year-old hockey players (n=59) training at the National Hockey Center, Moscow, Russia.
Results and conclusions. Several contradictions and difficulties were identified during the implementation of the speed-strength capabilities: increasingly stringent requirements for the speed of execution of technical and tactical combinations are not backed by the capacity for operational rational reorganization, convergence (harmonization) and coordination of motor actions; dynamic efforts realized at individual speed limits distort the coordination structure of subsequent actions; the potential adaptive coordination store is not sufficient to fully support work at the actual stages of competitive activity. It was found that more complex coordinated exercises form the basic cluster for mastering the necessary skills to ultimately implement the speed-strength capabilities in simpler exercises. We identified a set of conditions of formation in junior hockey players of readiness for implementation of the speed-strength capabilities. At the final stage of motor training, special attention should be paid to the associated formation of the technical and tactical actions and the targeted development of the speed-strength capabilities. Mastering of the technical elements and their combinations should be coupled with a continuous increase in both the speed of execution of motor actions and the dynamic efforts made.

Keywords: junior hockey players, complex coordinated technical actions, speed-strength capabilities, readiness for implementation, conditions.


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