Kids training aids in application to preschoolers with biliary tract dysfunctions


PhD, Associate Professor I.N. Bakai1
Dr.Hab., Professor A.I. Seselkin1
PhD, Associate Professor N.V. Karpova1
PhD, Associate Professor A.V. Kornev1
1Russian State Social University, Moscow

Objective of the study was theoretically and experimentally substantiate a comprehensive program of physical rehabilitation of the 5-6 year-old children with biliary tract dysfunctions in conditions of pre-school educational institutions.
Methods and structure of the study. Sampled for the study were the 5-6 year-old children (n=99). For the purposes of the study, the following methods were applied: analysis of scientific and literary sources, questionnaire survey, physical fitness tests (motor tests), biomedical and psychological methods, mathematical statistics.
Results of the study and conclusions. After the implementation of the proposed methodology, the digestive system disease rate decreased in the children of both groups - 61% and 73%, respectively. Their parents were subject to a questionnaire survey to detect changes in the clinical picture, wellbeing and activity of the children. It showed that the children became more active and cheerful, their psychoemotional background improved, and the number of complaints of abdominal pain decreased. After the rehabilitation course, the symptoms in the children of Groups A and B improved. Prior to the experiment, the physical fitness rates in the children of Groups A and B did not differ statistically significantly (p>0.05). After the experiment, the physical fitness rates increased in both groups. There was a significant difference (p<0.05) between the children of Groups A and B.
Consequently, the differentiated model allows for the sequential recovery of the physical and functional states of preschoolers.

Keywords: preschoolers, biliary tract dysfunctions, physical rehabilitation, training aids, digestive system diseases, children.


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