Combating ideology and violence: legal aspects of countering extremism and terrorism in physical education and sport sector


Dr.Sc.Econ., Professor A.A. Smirnov1
PhD, Associate Professor L.V. Kazarinova1
1Lesgaft National State University of Physical Education, Sport and Health, St. Petersburg

Objective of the study was to conduct a theoretical analysis of legal approaches to understanding extremism and terrorism in the field of physical culture and sports and propose preventive measures to suppress this type of criminal activity taking into account its specifics.
Study results and conclusions. According to the authors, extremist acts in the field of physical culture and sports are the result of purposeful illegal activities of extremist organizations exploiting the sports sphere to achieve own goals. Extremist acts as an ideological basis of terrorism are understood by the authors as a historically volatile, mass, socially conditioned array of criminal acts committed not only by sport fans, but also by athletes, as well as other participants of sports competitions.
According to the authors, extremist crimes and delinquencies can be prevented through theoretical understanding of the problem of detection and solution of crimes and other offenses on the Internet and development of scientific and practical recommendations for detecting information threats on the network, detection and fixation methods, tactics for taking special measures against hosting extremist content.
Therefore, the authors believe that it is necessary to develop and test experimental methodological recommendations for preventing, suppressing this type of crime and technologies, taking into account the specifics of criminal activity.

Keywords: terrorism, extremism, sports, sporting events.


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