Diagnostics of physical loads imposed on younger children during swimming classes


Dr.Hab. E.V. Milyakova1
Doctoral student M.A. Vashchenko1
Dr.Hab., Professor V.P. Dorgan1
1State University of Physical Education and Sports, Chisinau, Moldova

Objective of the study was to determine the amount of physical loads to be imposed on younger children during swimming classes with the use of the cardiovascular system diagnostic methods.
Methods and structure of the study. The volume and intensity of physical loads were measured by means of pulsometry and chronometry. The volume was measured by: the number of exercises and their repetitions, exercise execution time (minutes), distance covered (meters). The intensity was determined by: motor density (%), average speed at the distance covered during the training session (m/s), average pulse cost of the exercises (bpm) and pulse intensity during the training session, which was calculated as the ratio of the minimum and maximum pulse costs of the exercises to the maximum pulse for the 2-3 year-olds relative to the data of O. Bar-Or and T. Rowland presented in percentage (%).
Study results and conclusions. The experiment showed that the 35-month-long trainings lead to higher results in terms of volume: the total number of exercises at ∆=1 (number of times); the number of repetitions of the exercises at ∆=77 (reps); the exercise execution time, at ∆=5.40 (min); the distance covered when performing the exercises at ∆=78 (m). In terms of the intensity parameters, a higher value of motor density was obtained at ∆=17 (%); lower average pulse cost of the activity at ∆=6.60 (bpm) and lower pulse intensity at ∆=3-6 (%).
Therefore, monitoring the cardiovascular system response to physical loads enables to select the optimal content of motor activity for younger children.

Keywords: children, swimming, volume, intensity, heart rate monitoring, timing.


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