Pedagogical university students’ attitudes to healthy lifestyle and GTO complex test standards


Dr.Hab., Professor N.I. Sinyavsky1
PhD, Associate Professor A.V. Fursov1
PhD, Associate Professor N.N. Beznosko1
PhD, Associate Professor V.V. Vasiliev1
1Surgut State Pedagogical University, Surgut

Objective of the study was to probe the main motivations and conditions for the formation in students of a positive attitude towards a healthy lifestyle and the GTO Complex test standards.
Methods and structure of the study. The sociological (questionnaire) survey involved a group of bachelor students majoring in Pedagogical Education (44.03.01), with the exception of those majoring in Physical Culture. The study group was made of the 1st- and 2nd-year female students (n=186). The questionnaire survey form offered questions designed to determine the female students' awareness, attitude towards possible participation in the GTO Complex events, the level of motivation, attitude to health and a healthy lifestyle.
Study results and conclusions. The findings indicate that 40% of the pedagogical university students are positive about physical education and sports activities and that 60% of the respondents are gaining a motor mode, which allows them to participate in the GTO Complex tests. Their main motivation is the esthetic component, namely their desire to improve their shape and look good, which encourages students to pay due attention to physical education and sports activities, lead a healthy life and participate in the GTO Complex tests.

Keywords: questionnaire, students, bachelors, attitude to GTO complex, motivation for physical education.


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