Development and implementation of individual educational routes for training of masters of physical education


Dr.Hab., Professor V.A. Romanov
Lev Tolstoy Tula state pedagogical university, Tula

Keywords: individual educational route, qualified specialist, methodological problems of physical culture and sports, master's training, professional training.

There is no universal way to create individual educational routes for training masters in the field of "Physical culture" at the moment, so the construction of such a route is based on the specifics of future professional activities in the field of physical culture and sports as such, on the features of development and training for a strictly set time and is prolonged. It is difficult to imagine a route for the entire period of training at once, because the essence of its development is that it reflects all the dynamics in the training and development of a graduate of a pedagogical University, which, in our opinion, allows us to make adjustments to the components of the pedagogical process and monitor the quality of education received.


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  2. Stepchenko T. A. Implementation of the model of formation of readiness for the organization of physical culture and health-improving activities of Junior schoolchildren in future teachers of physical culture at the University / T. A. Stepchenko, Yu. a. ukraintseva // Theory and practice of physics. culture. - 2019. - no. 12. - P. 49.

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