Value orientations of professional sport career


PhD, Associate Professor S.V. Voronin1
Dr.Sc.Psych., Professor T.D. Dubovitskaya1
PhD, Associate Professor L.A. Bazaleva1
PhD, Associate Professor A.V. Shashkov1
PhD, Associate Professor L.K. Fedyakina1
1Sochi State University, Sochi

Objective of the study was to compare value orientations that differ in the degree of their involvement in sports activity.
Methods and structure of research. During the empirical study the following research methods were applied: the "Career Anchors" questionnaire by E. Schein for determining career-related value orientations; technique of diagnostics of the need for achievements. Sampled for the study were the sporting students of Sochi State University.
Results of the study. It has been established that elite athletes are characterized by the higher levels of the following value orientations: "Expertise" (orientation towards sports perfection, achievement of high results) and "Challenge" (readiness to overcome obstacles, struggle and strive for victory). They also demonstrated higher indicators of the need for achievements (desire to exceed the results achieved, perseverance when overcoming obstacles and achieving the set goal). The athletes involved in applied professional physical training had higher indicators on the "Self-government" scale (desire to be free and independent in their professional field, not to be limited by strict rules, to make decisions independently). Being involved in sports by force of various circumstances and having achieved certain results at the initial training stages by utilizing natural potentials, such athletes find more attractive occupations and, thus, can retire from elite sports as they go forward. It is noteworthy that the highest indicators for both groups of athletes were registered on the "Serving" scale (desire to serve people, to make life better, protect other people’s rights, help them in own professional activity).
Conclusion. The results obtained can be used during sport selection, since they help identify those who are truly focused on the highest achievements, ready to overcome difficulties, life obstacles and trials of their will power; as well as during trainings, as they stimulate the development and maintenance of relevant value orientations and personality traits.

Keywords: elite sports, applied professional sports, value orientations, professional career, need for achievements.


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