Integration of content of vocational physical education at different levels of student course


PhD, Professor I.I. Gotovtsev1
PhD, Associate Professor T.K. Kolesova1
Dr.Hab., Professor M.D. Gulyaev1
PhD E.V. Korkin1
1Churapcha State Institute of Physical Culture and Sports, Churapcha, Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)

Objective of the study was to scientifically substantiate the pervasive content of vocational physical education with due succession in structuring of educational materials at different levels of student course.
Methods and structure of the study. We analyzed the subject matter of the disciplines being included in the curricula of various levels of student course under Block 1: for higher education - a total of 56 disciplines; for secondary vocational education - a total of 23 disciplines, and 3 professional modules.
Results of the study. Each level of student course includes a discipline that terminates the educational cycle (not a cycle of disciplines), i.e. all disciplines are logically completed with a "mega-discipline", which contributes to the formation of basic qualities of a future specialist. At the same time, at the basic level, there are also mega-disciplines of the lower level, the knowledge domain of which expands and breaks down into independent disciplines, historically derived from the main course units. Originating from a mega-discipline in vocational education, they culminate in a mega-discipline of the highest level. This is how a full educational cycle terminates. The principle of succession implies that academic disciplines are to be preserved in an integrated curriculum, as provided by the standards for the levels of student course in the secondary vocational and higher education systems, and that their content is expected to be developed on the basis of previous education levels. The principle of continuity implies the absence of temporary gaps in the process of mastering academic disciplines of the professional module and part of the educational relationships formed between the participants. Almost all disciplines are studied continuously. Continuity of the educational process creates an effect of logical completeness of the student course.
Conclusion. At Churapcha State Institute of Physical Culture and Sports, they built up the pervasive content of vocational physical education based on due succession in structuring of educational materials. At the same time, they ensured the completeness and inherent value of each training stage.

Keywords: integration, vocational physical education, continuity, succession, curriculum, interdisciplinary connection.


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