Psycho-pedagogical components of training process in karate



PhD, Associate Professor N.I. Khokhlova1
PhD, Associate Professor T.A. Rodermel1
1Surgut State University, Surgut

Objective of the study was to identify the relationship between the psychological and pedagogical components of the process of training of athletes involved in karate.
Methods and structure of the study. Sampled for the study were the 8-17 year-old children and 33-49 year-old adults with at least 1 year of training experience (Nizhnevartovsk). They were divided into two experimental groups: EG1 - 25 subjects and EG2 - 18 subjects. The athletes were subjected to a questionnaire survey in the preseason. To analyze the pedagogical and psychological components of the training process, the authors visited several (6-8) training sessions in the studied groups, during which they conducted focused observation, analyzed the relationship between the coach and the athletes, determine the style of the coach’s pedagogical activity.
Results of the study and conclusions. It is shown that minimization of the impact of the psychological components makes it difficult to realize the athlete’s potential both in the process of training and during personal development. At the same time, failure to foster in the athletes awareness of the actions taken causes difficulties in interaction between the coach and the athletes. In the presence of different pedagogical styles of coaching, it is the emotional component that prevails in the athletes’ assessment. The combination of high rates in terms of the emotional component and difficulties in interaction between the coach and the athletes indicates the fixation of the latter on the external components of the training process, which both restricts the athletes’ potential and reduces the effectiveness of the training process.

Keywords: training process, karate, martial arts, psychological support.


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