Technical fitness of leading Russian and foreign female Nordic combined skiers



Master student A.N. Belyova1
PhD, Associate Professor A.I. Popova1
PhD, Associate Professor A.E. Ardashev1
1Tchaikovsky State Institute of Physical Culture, Tchaikovsky

Objective of the study was to identify biomechanical characteristics of skiing technique of the leading foreign and Russian female Nordic combined skiers.
Methods and structure of the study. We analyzed the speed indicators and angular characteristics of the V1 skating technique.
Results of the study and conclusions. It was found that the foreign female Nordic combined skiers demonstrated better technical skills when negotiating a hill by increasing the frequency of movements, while the Russian ones - by increasing the stride length and reducing the time allotted for one skating stride cycle. The foreign female athletes were found to have a protracted stride both in the cycle and on one ski, and were able to maintain the speed of movement throughout the entire distance and increase it in the final phase of the race.
In the repulsion phase with a lunge and a glide, the foreign female Nordic combined skiers made a short lunge and a deep squat. The Russian female athletes performed the skating kick on almost straightened legs and tried to make a deep lunge. This led to discoordination of movements and affected the stride length. In both groups of female athletes, we observed the same angle of attack when tilting the body in the first half of the distance. In the final part of the distance, the Russian female athletes, against the background of fatigue, began to straighten their torso, thus creating resistance to their forward movement. In the gliding phase in the second step, there were no significant differences between the foreign and Russian female Nordic combined skiers.

Keywords: Nordic combined, angular characteristics, stride length, cycle time, frequency of movements, speed of movement, technical training.Objective of the study was to identify biomechanical characteristics of skiing technique of the leading foreign and Russian female Nordic combined skiers.


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