Modern trends in martial arts training process planning



G.S. Maltsev1
PhD, Professor F.Kh. Zekrin1
PhD, Associate Professor A.F. Zekrin1
1Tchaikovsky State Institute of Physical Culture, Tchaikovsky

Objective of the study was to analyze current trends in the design of the annual martial arts training cycle.
Methods and structure of the study. For the purposes of the study, we conducted a theoretical analysis of scientific and methodological literature, scientific journal articles, proceedings of the research and practical conferences, monographs and dissertations devoted to the research topic.
Results of the study and conclusions. The study enabled to find the ways to improve the martial arts training process at the planning stage, addressing a broad spectrum of issues related to training of highly qualified martial artists. The modern trends in the martial arts training process planning are as follows: 1) introduction of the modified training process planning options; 2) structuring of the optimal annual training cycle; 3) customization of training plans; 4) development of proper qualitative and quantitative components of the training model; 5) computer-based automation of the training process planning; 6) application of various means of recovery after intensive training and competitive loads within the annual training cycle.
The study showed that at the present stage of development of martial arts, with aggravation of competition and intensification of competitive activity, the process of training of highly qualified athletes is to be planned based on the identification of the most significant components of the training process management model, introduction of the new modified, and thus effective, options for the training process planning, as well as development of proper qualitative and quantitative components of the martial arts training model.

Keywords: annual cycle, macro-cycle, martial arts training, training process planning, block periodization.


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