Conceptual framework of technical and tactical training concept for persons with health disabilities in chess sport



PhD, Associate Professor I.V. Mikhailova1
Dr.Hab., Associate Professor S.N. Fomina1
1Russian State Social University, Moscow

Despite the fact that chess sport, including its adaptive forms, is one of the most popular disciplines in the post-Soviet space, its methodology and conceptual apparatus has not yet been formed in Russian sports science; the research subject is often blurred in scientific papers. There are a large number of fundamental and applied researches on technical and tactical training conducted by theorists and practitioners of chessplay.
Objective of the study was to structure and formalize the conceptual field of the concept of technical and tactical training of people with health deviations, taking into account the systemic directions and priority paths of development of chess sport.
Methods and structure of the study. When using the inductive approach to chess education, the author’s semantic network of the concept of technical and tactical training of people with health deviations was presented. The network structure is formed by the peaks of the subject area - sports and social spheres. As part of the theoretical experiment, we reconsidered the content and structure of chessplay as a form of adaptive sport and introduced a new fundamental concept of chess methodology - adaptive chess sport.

Keywords: adaptive chess sport, technical and tactical training, people with health deviations, semantic network, semantic core, digitalization.


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