Inclusive physical education process model in general educational organization



PhD, Associate Professor V.V. Andreev1
PhD, Associate Professor L.A. Parfenova2
PhD, Associate Professor A.V. Fominykh1
Dr.Hab., Associate Professor I.E. Konovalov2
PhD, Professor Yu.V. Boltikov2
1Katanov State University of Khakassia, Abakan
2Volga region State Academy of Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism, Kazan

Objective of the study was to develop and test by experiment an innovative model of inclusive physical education in a general education school.
Methodology and structure of research. The experiment was conducted at the premises of MBGEI "Secondary School No. 50" in Abaza town, Republic of Khakassia. Based on the results of the All-Russian contest "The Best Inclusive School of Russia", the model under study was presented, where the general education institution, as a finalist, became part of the Association of Inclusive Schools of Russia. The implementation of the innovative educational model was carried out with the inclusion of children of 5 nosological groups.
Research results and conclusions. The results of testing of the experimental inclusive physical education model indicated the effectiveness of the applied forms, which contain the following directions: physical education in inclusive classes; adaptive physical education in special (correctional) classes; physical rehabilitation of disabled children by means of adaptive physical education; adaptive recreation (hippotherapy, recreational swimming, short-distance tourism). The model represents an organized system of inclusive education aimed to ensure the basic learning process, correction, compensation for deviations and motor impairments, the development of various forms of alternative education, comprehensive support for all students. At the end of the experiment, we got an indicator of self-development competence: when a student is able to determine the directions of own physical, personal and social development. We also found an indicator of life competence in the form of increased number of social contacts.
The innovative model of inclusive physical education is a specific feature of this discipline, aimed at the physical sphere and socio-psychological aspects of man’s development.

Keywords: children with health limitations and disabled children, inclusive education model, physical education.


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