Relevance of personality development of stdents in modern conditions



PhD, Associate Professor N.V. Pakholkova1
PhD, Associate Professor E.G. Vakhnina1
A.V. Zaitsev1
1Saint-Petersburg Mining University, Saint-Petersburg

Objective of the study was to substantiate the educational conditions of professional training of a future specialist on the basis of St. Petersburg State University.
Methods and structure of the study. We conducted pedagogical observations of practical trainings at the Department of Physical Education and analyzed the work of the Gornyak Sports Club at St. Petersburg State University.
Results of the study and conclusions. The pedagogical observations of the physical educational process at the Mining University showed that one of the most important components of the personality professional becoming is the provision of the necessary level of physical development of a future specialist.
Increasing requirements for professional physical training of students as a factor of their personal and professional development brings personnel training to a qualitatively new level.
The authors conclude that in modern society, to be professionally successful a university graduate needs to be prepared for lifelong education, activity in constantly changing labor market conditions. He/ she must be able to quickly analyze information, make creative decisions in a situation of uncertainty. All these qualities are part of professional general cultural competencies, the formation of which, along with the acquired knowledge, abilities, are the result of higher professional education.

Keywords: educational conditions, students, vocational training, content of training, training sessions, sports training, physical education.


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