Formation of reflexive component in female racing skiers during training sessions



PhD, Associate Professor L.T. Orlova1
PhD E.V. Naumov2
Associate Professor O.V. Krapivin2
V.A. Novikov2
A.Yu. Grushina2
1Ryazan State University named after S.A. Yesenin, Ryazan
2Academy of Law and Management of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia, Ryazan

Objective of the study was to identify the conditions that ensure the formation of a reflexive component in female racing skiers during training sessions in higher educational institutions.
Methods and structure of the study. Sampled for the study were 17 female athletes having different qualifications from Class I to CMS. Based on the analysis of the scientific and methodical literature related to the research topic, the following reflexive component indicators were singled out: capacity for self-development, personal identity, self-consistency (test by V.I. Andreeva), level of formation of self-esteem (questionnaire by N.P. Fetiskin).
Study results and conclusions. The female racing skiers were found to have an increase in the level of self-consistency and level of formation of positive self-esteem. The study revealed a positive effect of the identified conditions on the indicators of reflexive component displayed by the female racing skiers during the training sessions, which was confirmed by the results of competitions of various levels.
Therefore, we determined the basic conditions for the formation of the reflexive component in the female racing skiers, both students and cadets of higher educational institutions: variation, dialog, business games, trainings, coach-instructors' work, drawing up of a weekly plan; application of various methods, summing up the results.

Keywords: reflexive component, self-esteem, self-consistency, female racing skier, educational and training process, conditions.


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