Rehabilitative potential of higher education for students with health limitations



PhD, Associate Professor A.M. Burkova1
Master student E.S. Yagudina1
PhD, Associate Professor Barbas Ioannis2
1Ural Federal University named after First President of Russia B.N. Yeltsin, Yekaterinburg
2Democritus University of Thrace, Department of Physical Education and Sport, Greece

Objective of the study was to identify the rehabilitative potential of the educational university environment for students with health limitations.
Methods and structure of the study. A socio-pedagogical analysis was carried out in the process of mixed training of the TSU undergraduate students with disabilities and those attributed to a special health group. Sampled for the study were 35 individuals diagnosed during the sociomedical examination with disabilities and 65 students attributed to the special health group for health reasons (95 girls and 5 boys).
The main method for retrieving individual-psychological, socio-demographic and anamnestic data was a clinical interview with each of the subjects and the data from the primary healthcare unit of the university. The study was conducted in 2016/2019.
Study results and conclusions. The sample was dominated by individuals with the musculoskeletal and cardiovascular disorders, while 73.0% of students considered themselves "apparently healthy" and did not have any special educational needs. We detected the absence of serious health complications during the academic year; the possibility of conscious selection of a personality-centered educational trajectory of students' development, understanding teachers' attitudes to the classes missed by the disabled individuals for health reasons.
The findings demonstrate the synergistic effect of inclusive education on the disabled individuals and students with health limitations, high rehabilitative potential of the educational university environment.

Keywords: physical culture, students, health limitations, disabled, rehabilitation.


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