Role of preventological education for healthy lifestyle cultivation in students



Dr.Sc. Psych. I.S. Krutko1
PhD E.V. Osipchukova1
PhD Z.V. Senuk1
1Ural Federal University named after First President of Russia B.N. Yeltsin, Yekaterinburg

Objective of the study was to determine the role of preventological education in healthy lifestyle cultivation in students, partially implemented at the premises of Ural Federal University.
Methods and structure of the study. The genre of the article – review, its design – phenomenological, methods applied – general scientific. We ran a questionnaire survey of the students to analyze the effectiveness of preventive measures used to fight alcohol abuse and drug addiction in the university educational space. Besides, during the study, we analyzed the peculiarities of implementation of the preventological education program at Ural Federal University.
The scope of the article is broadened on the national scale and approximated more widely.
Study results and conclusions. The authors generalized the practical preventhological education experience in terms of the postgraduate program "Preventology" as part of the program "Organization of Work with the Youth", described the process of training of a master-preventologist. The postgraduate preventology program implemented at Ural Federal University combines various educational styles, approaches and methods of preventive work, implies trainings carried out to a great degree by the people on the ground and representatives of the employers, participation of the undergraduates in different projects, the use of interactive training technologies and special integrative courses.
Within the framework of the preventology program, specific competencies are formed: the ability to collect, evaluate and analyze information on the prerequisites for the formation of social deviations in the youth environment; the ability to develop a system of means and measures to prevent social deviations, coordinate the primary preventive actions taken by the parties concerned, etc.
Proceeding from the analysis results, the authors substantiated the organization of preventhological activity at universities. They concluded that a conscious practical system of preventhological work at universities would contribute to the formation of qualified specialists capable of changing our mentality, reach a new professional level in the field of preservation of social health in Russia.

Keywords: social deviations in behavior, preventology, preventive activities, addictions, deviations, model of preventhological education, social control.


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