Use of information sources to increase youngsters' motivation for physical activity: sociological aspect



PhD, Associate Professor A.A. Gladysheva1
A.A. Gladyshev1
PhD E.A. Vlasov2
PhD E.V. Klimova3
MSc M. Yoksimovich4
1Novosibirsk State Agrarian University, Novosibirsk
2Irkutsk State Transport University, Irkutsk
3Novosibirsk State University of Railway Engineering, Novosibirsk
4University of East Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Objective of the study was to identify effective youth-related sources of information in the field of health-and-fitness and sports activities aimed to increase youngsters' motivation for physical activity.
Methods and structure of the study. The sociological study was conducted on the basis of three universities: Novosibirsk State Agricultural University, Siberian Transport University and Irkutsk State Transport University. Sampled for the study were a total of 826 students. The questionnaire survey forms were developed based on the methodical recommendations of O.V. Tiunova, D.A. Filchenkov. The list of questions included the full range of information sources about health and fitness activities. Moreover, the respondents were offered to choose from a number of reasons, under the influence of which the incentive(s) for physical education and sports activities could be formed.
Study results and conclusions. The analysis of the study results revealed that the main source of information and the largest mass platform for today's agitation and propaganda are Internet sources (22.3% of the total number of answers). However, the Internet sources that appear to be propaganda, according to young people, are not a popular reason for starting physical education activities. For many years, the main stimulus to get involved in health and fitness activities has been the desire to improve own physique and health (21.5% and 19.81%, respectively).
Based on the data obtained, the authors propose several development trends in the agitation and propaganda of the ideas of physical education and sports using digital technologies.

Keywords: physical activity, effectiveness of propaganda methods, digital campaigning, Internet resources, sociological research.


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