Family as resource in formation and realization of healthy way of life in the elderly



Associate Professor, PhD K.G. Serdakova1
Associate Professor, PhD N.M. Shustikova1
Associate Professor, PhD T.Y. Sadovnikova2
Postgraduate student A.D. Serdakova1, 2
1I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University (Sechenov University), Moscow
2LMSU Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow

Objective of the study was to identify the role of family in the formation of a healthy way of life in the elderly.
Methods and structure of the study. While generalizing medical, psychological, educational and methodological literature, we conducted a theoretical and methodological analysis of the scientific concept of "health-oriented re-socialization of the elderly" and determined its proxyological characteristics.
Study results and conclusions. The article is devoted to the problem of formation and realization of a healthy way of life in the elderly and the role of family as a resource that helps support their health. We analyzed such scientific concepts as "family", "family system", "healthy way of life", determined the essential characteristics of the health-oriented re-socialization of an individual in the elderly age and substantiated the role of family as a resource in the formation of a healthy way of life at this stage of ontogenesis. Special attention is paid to the health-oriented re-socialization of an individual as a key factor in the formation of a value-semantic attitude to health of the elderly. Based on the analysis and generalization of literature data, we proposed a scientifically substantiated definition of the concept of "man's health-oriented re-socialization in the elderly age" and proved that the family can act as an important resource in the formation and realization of a healthy way of life in the elderly.

Keywords: family, family system, family functions, elderly age, health-oriented socialization, family as resource, healthy way of life, health protection, health-oriented resocialization.


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