Physiological substantiation and practical implementation of methods of development of strength-building component of endurance training for wrestlers


PhD N.Yu. Tarabrina1
PhD Yu.V. Kraev1
PhD, Associate Professor A.I. Tikhonov1
1Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow

Objective of the study was to determine the effects of a complex of high-intensity interval trainings with the use of a "Bulgarian Bag" on the development of special endurance in wrestlers of various qualifications and speed-strength fitness level.
Methods and structure of the study. In view of the specifics of working in anaerobic modes during a wrestling bout, 25 freestyle wrestlers aged 17-19 years old were to perform a one-minute "takedown" test, which simulates the elements of wrestling using biomechanical, temporal and dynamic parameters of movement. Before and after the usual training cycle in the Control Group and the additional use of a set of exercises with the use of a "Bulgarian Bag" in the Experimental Group, all athletes were found to have changes in the special endurance indices.
Results of the study and conclusions. It was found that the accelerated formation of a glycolytic energy source is facilitated by specific strength loads of submaximal power. In the glycolytic mode the test was performed by the athletes at a different pace, with different time intervals and stress levels. The pace and time of work correlate directly (0.52<r<0.63), while the pulse rates inversely (–0.50<g<–0.74) correlate with the wrestlers’ level of strength fitness. Sports trainings with predominant use of certain physiological modes significantly change the balance between the energy sources of muscular activity towards the formation of executive links of the functional system of activity.

Keywords: strength, special endurance, performance, wrestlers.


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