Optimization of fund of estimating means in overall and professional-applied physical training of university students under elective physical education and sport disciplines



PhD, Associate Professor A.N. Dianov1
PhD, Associate Professor L.Yu. Averina1
N.A. Bannikova1
1Kuban State University, Krasnodar

Objective of the study was to optimize the fund of estimating means in overall and professional-applied physical training of university students specializing in socio-humanitarian and natural-technical areas under elective physical education and sport disciplines. The study was designed to apply theoretical (literature analysis) and empirical (pilot experiment) methods. At the beginning and at the end of the academic semester, the 1st-4th-year students of Kuban State University (n=254, including 174 girls and 80 boys) participated in a pilot study of the fund of estimating means. The fund of estimating means in overall physical training included testing of the following physical qualities: speed, strength, overall endurance, flexibility. The fund of estimating means in professional-applied physical training included testing of the basic physical qualities and cardiovascular and respiratory systems functionality rates.
Proceeding from the findings, the authors proposed the ways to optimize the fund of estimating means in overall and professional-applied physical training of university students of the main health group, which are mainly focused on the formation of physical qualities estimated not lower than "good", achievement of a safe health level, rational use of the standards of the modern Russian Physical Culture and Sports Complex "Ready for Labour and Defense" (2018) and consideration of the specific requirements for professional qualities of students specializing in socio-humanitarian and natural-technical areas.

Keywords: fund of estimating means, students, university, overall physical training, professional-applied physical training, Russian Physical Culture and Sports Complex “Ready for Labour and Defense”.


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