Program-methodical support of training of hearing impaired billiard players



Postgraduate student A.I. Salmova1
PhD, Associate Professor L.A. Parfenova1
1Volga Region State Academy of Physical Culture, Sport and Tourism, Kazan

The need to adjust the means and methods of athletic training depending on the psychophysiological characteristics of athletes with hearing impairments led to the development of the sports training methodology of hearing impaired billiard players. Among the introduced innovations were: author's gestural vocabulary, special exercises to teach billiard technical elements, corrective and health improvement means, mental training, aerobic exercises. The effectiveness of this methodology was reasonably proved during the educational experiment, which was expressed in the greatest increase in all the studied parameters among the Experimental Group athletes as opposed to the Control Group ones trained under the traditional program for healthy people. The authors singled out the promising areas of the research topic: development and improvement of adaptive billiards, inclusion of cue sports in the standards of sports training of people with disabilities; further development of means of training of hearing impaired billiard players; development of new methods of athletic training of hearing impaired billiard players at the training (12-16 years old), sport excellence (17-20 years old), and top mastery (21-24 years old) stages.

Keywords: hearing impaired athletes, billiards, training, methodology, training tools.


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