Modern bench press training in women’s powerlifting



PhD, Associate Professor A.U. Bakirova1
PhD, Associate Professor R.M. Khabibullin1
I.M. Khabibullin1
Associate Professor N.N. Kadirov1
1Bashkir State Agrarian University, Ufa

Objective of the study was to substantiate theoretically and test experimentally the effectiveness of the developed set of exercises based on the rope routines.
For the first time at Bashkir State Agrarian University they developed and experimentally substantiated a set of exercises consisting of special conditioning exercises.
The educational experiment was conducted at the premises of the Bashkir State Agrarian University sports base and involved 20 female powerlifters aged 18-19 years with at least 6 months of experience in powerlifting, all belonging to the weight category up to 52 kg and 57 kg. The sample was split into two groups: Experimental Group and Control Group, 10 people each. The groups were formed to have same technical skill level and muscle strength. The Control Group was trained according to the standard lesson plan, while the Experimental Group subjects were trained using the developed set of in-depth bench press technical training exercises.
As the study showed, the implementation of the set of exercises for the in-depth bench press training in powerlifting had made it possible to increase the technical skills and strength level of the powerlifters in bench press.

Keywords: powerlifting, bench press, set of exercises, learning, technique of execution, in-depth training, technical skill, rope routine, barbell weight.


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