Development of students' caring attitude to environment in physical education system



PhD, Associate Professor K.B. Mukhammadiev
Tashkent Institute of Railway Transport Engineers, Tashkent, Republic of Uzbekistan

Objective of the study was to scientifically substantiate the model of development of caring attitude to the environment in the process of university physical education.
According to the model, the process of formation and development is carried out in two stages. The first stage is the development of students' knowledge about the environment. At this stage, their concepts, perceptions and attitudes towards the environment are coordinated, and their ecological activity is manifested. At the second stage, while obtaining knowledge, the students' ecological attitude towards the world is formed, their thinking and worldview develop. The interrelation between the first and second stages contributes to the comprehensive development of students’ theoretical knowledge and practical skills.
The following principles of interrelation contribute to the development of caring attitude to the natural environment in the process of physical education: interrelation of methodological and environmental concepts, interrelation of environmental components, interdisciplinary relations in the process of selection of learning material for studying the environment, interrelation between theory of practice.

Keywords: physical education, sports, pedagogy, environment, caring attitude, education, nature, training, learning, development.


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