Corporate Sports to Improve and Increase Physical Activity of Employees



PhD, Associate Professor V.A. Rodionov1
PhD M.A. Rodionova1
1Surgut State University, Surgut

Objective of the study was to determine the place and role of corporate sport in promotion of health and increase of physical activity in working population.
Methods and structure of the study. A theoretical analysis of literature on the problem of development of corporate sport in the employment sector was carried out.
Results of the study. Corporate sport, unlike industrial physical culture, implies trainings at the organization’s sports facilities (sectional, conducted according to a specific program and plan with the given contingent, a specific list group; competitions in various sports, competitive events both between different organizations and within professional sports) and is aimed to form a sports culture in the individual.
Conclusions. Success of each organization directly depends on the personnel and their skills and desire to work effectively, realizing their physical, creative and professional potential for the benefit of the company.

Keywords: corporate sport, health, healthy workplace model, corporate culture.


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