Evaluation of Special Physical Fitness of Young Qazaq Kuresi Wrestlers



Dr.Hab., Professor F.I. Sobyanin1
Graduate student A.S. Rakhmetzhanov3
Graduate student Sh.A. Makashev2
Associate Professor K.I. Ismagulov3
1Belgorod State National Research University, Belgorod
2University of Innovation and Technology of Western Kazakhstan, Uralsk
3Makhambet Utemisov West Kazakhstan State University, Uralsk

Objective of the article was to consider the special physical fitness rating method in application to athletes involved in the Kazakh national wrestling sport - Qazaq Kuresi.
Structure and methods of the study We assessed a set of technical and tactical actions used in Qazaq Kuresi that are the most effective during competitive performance.The analysis of special literature and pedagogical observation data revealed a high frequency of application of the selected complex of Qazaq Kuresi techniques. The following technical and tactical actions were considered when assessing special physical fitness of the young wrestlers: flying roll, hip roll, reap, leg sweep (front and back), floating drop, trip throw. The data obtained can be used in pedagogical control over young Qazaq Kuresi wrestlers’ physical fitness rates.The sequence of mastering and improving the combat maneuvers was built in such a way as to first master more technically simple maneuvers, and only then - more technically complex ones (in accordance with the basic didactic principles). At the same time, during trainings, physical activity was focused on the muscle groups involved in the performance of the combat maneuvers. Moreover, sets of exercises were used to develop those skills that are most important in Qazaq Kuresi: dynamic strength, speed, coordination abilities, strength endurance.
Results of the study and conclusions. The study showed that the test rates were significantly higher in the Experimental Group than in the Control one. The following technical and tactical actions were selected from the total number of throws (rolls) to assess special physical fitness of the young wrestlers: flying roll, hip roll, reap, leg sweep (front and back), floating drop, trip throw.

Keywords: Qazaq Kuresi, Kazakhstan, national wrestling sport, special physical fitness.


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