Indicators of Emotional State in Physical Education Theory Course Students



PhD, Associate Professor O.E. Piskun1
PhD, Associate Professor M.Yu. Ababkova1
PhD, Associate Professor V.L. Leontyeva1
PhD, Associate Professor Yu.A. Kovaleva2
1St. Petersburg Polytechnic University of Peter the Great, St. Petersburg
2Lesgaft National State University of Physical Education, Sport and Health, St. Petersburg

Objective of the study was to determine the role of the form of organization of physical education classes on students’ emotional state when mastering educational material under the teacher’s supervision and independently.
Methods and structure of the study. The educational experiment was carried out at the departments of "Publicity and Public Relations" of the Humanities Institute and "Physical Education and Adaptation" of the Institute of Physical Education, Sports and Tourism of Peter the Great Saint Petersburg Polytechnic University. The EG subjects were to master the distance material in the Physical Education discipline independently. The RG subjects attended mini-lectures based on the same educational material. As part of the study, a pre- and post-testing of the students’ psychophysiological state was carried out based on the biological feedback method. The data obtained in the EG and RG were then compared.
Results of the study. The cardiorhythmogram indices obtained during the experiment enabled to assess the students’ emotional state, which tended to change in the process of mastering the educational material under the teacher’s supervision and independently. It is shown that independent studies enhance emotional security, mobility of mental processes, pragmatic thinking and help strengthen mental and syndromological adaptation reserves, as well as scale down emotional excitation.
Conclusion. The training process should combine both types of activity and exclude lectures as the main form of physical education classes. The combination of various forms and models of mastering the educational material, when teachers participate but do not play a decisive role, contributes to the improvement of students’ emotional state.

Keywords: lecturer, distance learning, biological feedback method, current psychological state, characteristics of emotional sphere.


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