Formation of motivation for tennis in junior beginner athletes


PhD, Associate Professor A.B. Samoylov
Smolensk State Academy of Physical Culture,Sports and Tourism, Smolensk

Keywords: motivation, tennis, training sessions.

Introduction. The formation of motivation for tennis involves the need for a positive attitude to sports activities, overcoming difficulties associated with the insufficient level of motor capabilities of young athletes, as well as purposefulness, determination, perseverance and other mental qualities.
The purpose of the study is to identify the motivation for tennis lessons of young athletes of the initial training groups during the one-year cycle of classes.
Methodology and organization of the study. In the course of solving the formation of motivation of young athletes to practice tennis, the age of those involved was taken into account, which affects the methodology of their conduct. Therefore, a distinctive feature of the training sessions in the experimental group (EG) was the use of fitness tools and game tasks in contrast to the control (KG). To increase motivation for tennis lessons used: individual and group conversations, developed strong-willed qualities; organized motivation in a hidden form – in the form of friendly meetings on sports games with other groups involved.
The results of the study and their discussion. As a result of the work carried out in the EG, absences of classes decreased by 48% and, according to the survey, interest in tennis classes increased by 69 % in comparison with KG. The analysis of the dynamics of physical fitness indicators of EG tennis players revealed a more positive trend under the influence of motivational activity than in KG (p<0.05).
Conclusion. Results indicate more important changes in the formation of motivation to professional tennis in the EG compared with the CG.


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