Implementation of model of building competency for organization of health and fitness activities of primary students in future physical education teachers in university


Dr.Hab., Professor T.A. Stepchenko1
Postgraduate student Yu.A. Ukraintseva1
1Bryansk State University named after Academician I.G. Petrovsky, Bryansk

Keywords: future teachers of physical culture, primary school children, model, educational technologies, physical culture and health activities, formation of readiness.

The purpose of the research is the theoretical justification, development, evaluation of the effectiveness of the model of formation of readiness for the organization of physical culture and health activities of younger students in future teachers of physical culture.
Methodology and organization of the study. The main way to achieve high performance in a comprehensive solution of educational, educational and health problems in accordance with the principles of individualization and differentiation in the BSU. academician I. G. When preparing bachelors in the direction of 44.03.05 - "Pedagogical education" (with two training profiles), the focus – "Physical culture", "life Safety" is an additional professional competence (WPC) – the ability to implement the educational process based on the use of the model of formation of readiness for the organization of physical culture and health activities of students in future teachers who carry out educational activities in primary school.
The results of the study and their discussion. The willingness of graduates to efficiently carry out educational activities in the field of physical culture and sports depends entirely on the level of completeness of him DPK – ability to implement the educational process through the use of the model of formation of readiness to the organization of sports and recreational activities of students, because work on the creation of such a model is associated with the development of complex knowledge and skills needed to organize sports and recreational activities of students, ability to plan the organization of physical activity in this age, the formation of students ' General cultural, General professional, professional, special and additional competencies.
Conclusion. Designing and filling with the content of all components (structural elements) of the model of formation of readiness for the organization of physical culture and health activities of younger students in the future teachers of physical culture in FGBOU VO " BSU. academician I. G. Pet-rovskogo "provides for the implementation of competence, system, activity and personal approaches, as well as a deep study of the process under study by bachelors in the direction of 44.03.05 - "Pedagogical education" (with two training profiles), orientation – "Physical culture", "life Safety", which allows you to describe in detail the educational process organized at the Department of physical education of the University, in relation to the predicted results of training students in the development of disciplines, fixed in the educational program for the preparation of future teachers of physical culture.


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