Health-promoting aspect of use of information and communication technologies in additional education of elementary students



E.N. Malova1
Dr.Hab., PhD, Associate Professor V.G. Shubovich1
Dr.Hab., Professor M.M. Shubovich1
1Ulyanovsk State Pedagogical University named after I.N. Ulyanov, Ulyanovsk

Objective of the study was to implement a program for the creation in younger schoolchildren of sustainable motivation to health-saving technologies by means of information and communication technologies used in a motivation forming environment of additional education. The study was carried out 2018-2019 at the premises of Ulyanovsk State Pedagogical University named after V.I. Ulyanov inside of the Academy of Informatics and Information Technology. The study involved 42 elementary schoolchildren participating in the additional educational program "Visual Programming and Fundamentals of Robotics". The ascertaining part of the experiment was dedicated to determination of the level of motivational-value attitude of the younger schoolchildren to their health and healthy lifestyles using a "Healthy Lifestyle Questionnaire" (M. M. Bezrukikh). The level of knowledge of the younger schoolchildren on the ways of the rational (with the inclusion of health-saving technologies) application of information and communication technologies was assessed using the author's questionnaire "Personal Computer and Health". Based on the data obtained during the questionnaire survey, we developed a program for the creation of sustainable motivation to health-saving technologies in younger schoolchildren by means of information and communication technologies used in a motivation forming environment of additional education, which is focused on the formation in schoolchildren of a positive value attitude to the rational use of information and communication technologies, prevention of negative effects of computers, gadgets, respectful attitude towards own health.

Keywords: health-promotion technologies, healthy lifestyle, additional education, information and communication technologies.


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