Preschoolers’ muscle control skills perfection practices in PE programs



PhD, Associate Professor E.S. Kolesnikova1
PhD, Professor E.A. Zemskov1
1Moscow City Pedagogical University, Moscow

Objective of the study was to justify the effectiveness of funds for the development of differentiation of muscle efforts in preschool children in the process of physical education. The educational experiment was carried out on the basis of the secondary school No. 2046 (building 2030), a preschool department of the city of Zelenograd. The survey involved 41 children. Four tests were selected to determine the level of development of the abilities of children aged 6–7 years to identify the dynamic efforts of the main muscle groups of the body: “Standing long jumps to specified landmarks with open and closed eyes”; “Lifting the body with fixing the angle of bending of the body at the control points 90 ° and 45 °”; “Throwing the ball at a goal at 3 m distance, with eyes open and closed”; "Hand muscles strength measurment using a children's dynamometer. According to the anatomical sign, types of motor tasks and exercises were determined, aimed at developing the ability to differentiate muscle efforts.
The article is intended for people interested in the theory and methodology of physical education of children of preschool and primary school age

Keywords: differentiation of dynamic efforts, sensory and psychomotor qualities, parameters of motor actions.


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