Academic physical education model designed on ontokinesiological approach



Dr.Hab., Associate Professor A.I. Zagrevskaya1
PhD, Associate Professor N.L. Guseva1
T.V. Galaychuk1
1National Research Tomsk State University, Tomsk

Modern Federal State Higher Education Standards spell out the universal competences for every academic education field and specialty that include the basic professional individual skills for success in the professional careers and social sphere.
Objective of the study was to offer the theoretical and practical grounds for a new academic physical education model designed on the ontokinesiological approach. This approach as a meta-subjective basis of the sports theory and practice was found beneficial for the academic physical education service geared to mobilize and fully employ the individual intellectual and physical resources in the physical education process. It was also demonstrated that the new academic physical education model designed on the ontokinesiological approach effectively harmonizes the anthropological, cultural, individual operational and competency-building components to attain the goals of the educational process. The key priority in the physical education system design shall be given to the physical education service mission that is to build up the students' kinesiological competency viewed as the ability for physical progress on a self-reliant basis to meet the modern Federal State Higher Education Standards 3++.

Keywords: ontokinesiological approach, educational system, physical education, kinesiological competency, students.


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