Generation-specific socio-cultural factors of influence on the popular sport development processes



Dr.Sc.Cult., Professor M.V. Averina1
1Moscow State Linguistic University, Moscow

The paper analyzes the influence of sociocultural factors identified in the framework of the theory of generations on the development of modern sports. In order to assess the degree of influence of the discussed factors specifically on the development of sports one need to take into account qualitative and quantitative parameters for both visible changes and latent ones. Trends in the development of sports preferences are determined mainly among generations Y and Z. Based on the general characteristics of the generations under study, the author notes certain trends in the development of sports preferences. For generation Y, sports are considered primarily as a way to keep the body in good shape, as an opportunity to get an additional portion of positive emotions, as a source of endorphins and adrenaline, orientation to collective sports where there is no winner and loser, “friendship wins” and everyone receives “thanks for participating in the competition ”(Alsop Ron, 2008).
Generation Z prefers activity in the virtual world. Two media companies - Activision Blizzard, one of the largest in the field of computer games and entertainment, and the leading publisher of video games Electronic Arts are betting on the revolutionary development of e-sports. Especially since in 2022 in China at the following Olympic Games eSports competitions were announced: League of Legends and Pro Evolution Soccer.

Keywords: sport, theory of generations, sociocultural factors, millennials, centenials, sociocultural dynamics.


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