Health improvement technologies for physical rehabilitation service to junior schoolchildren with autonomic disorders


PhD, Associate Professor I.N. Bakai1
PhD, Associate Professor N.V. Karpova1
PhD, Associate Professor V.P. Kartashev1
A.N. Studneva1
1Russian State Social University, Moscow

The article analyzes benefits of health improvement technologies for physical rehabilitation service to junior (7-10 year-old) schoolchildren with autonomic disorders including vascular dystonia. Presently autonomic disorders are ranked among the most common ‘modern civilization specific’ diseases of this age group, with a special role in the disease propagation played by the so-called micro-social factors of the relevant childcare establishments (kindergartens and schools) i.e. children’s adaptation challenges, mental stresses and physical inactivity. The functionality tests in the adaptation periods found a high incidence of autonomic regulation stresses and overstresses, with the disorders reported to stay for 3-4 school quarters. It is not unusual that the autonomic functionality disorders are neither diagnosed nor corrected in a timely manner. It should be emphasized that autonomic disorders are widely variable in their symptoms and growth mechanisms and, hence, difficult for cure. A high role in the vascular dystonia treatment therapy is played by non-pharmacological and alternative therapeutic methods. As soon as a vascular dystonia diagnosed in a child, the therapy shall be focused on the general balance rehabilitation and nervous system functionality correction actions, and this is the reason why the physical rehabilitation methods for children with vascular dystonia are given so high priority nowadays.

Keywords: schoolchildren, vascular dystonia, physical rehabilitation.


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