Rating benefits of vocational physical education service at medical university


PhD, Associate Professor A.V. Dorontsev1
PhD, Associate Professor E.A. Alenurov2
PhD, Associate Professor V.I. Sharagin3
E.Sh. Petina1
1Astrakhan State Medical University, Astrakhan
2Russian State Social University, Moscow
3Moscow State University of Psychology and Education, Moscow

The study offers a new vocational physical education service rating model in application to medical university (Astrakhan State Medical University) students based on a questionnaire survey with the following three sets of questions: physical activity rating set; healthy lifestyle rating set; and the physical education and sports benefits for vocational progress rating set; with the survey data quantified for analysis by the relevant criteria. The data processing method was the following: the shares of responses were multiplied by the question importance factor on a 3-point scale; with the results summated for every question, set of questions and the survey on the whole. The data processing technology made it possible to analyze contributions of the question sets to the total result. The aggregated rates were fairly representative of the three components of the vocational physical education service provided by the medical university. The survey data and analysis were used to prioritize the vocational physical education service components.

Keywords: students, vocational physical education, physical activity, healthy lifestyle.


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