Individualized training model for junior trampoline competitors


Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury №3 2019

PhD, Associate Professor E.V. Bronsky1
PhD, Associate Professor V.I. Lebedeva1
1Pavlodar State Pedagogical Institute, Pavlodar, Kazakhstan

The research topic is relevant as trampoline jumping is a complex technical sport that places special demands on the athlete's coordination abilities; is extremely difficult and risky in performance; requires increased accuracy of temporal, strength and spatial components of jumps. The short trampolining jumping career sharply raises the question of using optimal and effective training methods and techniques by trainers in the training process. In this regard, an attempt was made to implement an individualized training model for junior trampoline competitors. The study analyzes the design and benefits of an individualized training model for junior (9-10 year-old) trampoline competitors having 2-year training records and split up into Experimental (EG, n=14) and Reference (RG, n=16) Groups for the model testing purposes. The model was intended to mobilize and cultivate progress motivations in the following aspects: individual physical qualities; physical fitness and its role for technical progress; gymnastics-styled execution etc. The study showed the individualized motivations-cultivating training model being beneficial as verified by the pre- versus post-experimental Experimental Group versus reference Group progress test data, with the Experimental Group showing significant (р<0.05-0.01) and significant progress in the technical execution rated by 4.63 to 5,0 points (i.e. high and excellent) in 8 tests out of 11.

Keywords: physical and theoretical education, individualized training model, junior trampoline competitors.


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