Health resource of national physical education and sport system: northern dimension


Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury №3 2019

PhD, Associate Professor V.V. Sharok1
PhD, Associate Professor E.G. Vakhnina1
PhD, Associate Professor Yu.A. Yakovleva1
1St. Petersburg Mining University, St. Petersburg

From the point of view of experts in physiology and medicine, the life of an Arctic zone resident is complex. The inhabitants of the extreme north face a number of factors due to the climatic and geographical conditions of the northern latitudes that have a bad effect on their health. Labor in these conditions inevitably leads to the depletion of body reserves, a failure of adaptation mechanisms and development of diseases. Presently the national government pursues the policies to prioritize resource mobilizing innovations with contributions from the environmental protection and resource conservation technologies to improve the mineral resource processing efficiency and high-tech production. These policies need to be implemented by a high-quality enthusiastic human resource prepared to serve in the most challenging conditions including the Arctic region. The extreme climatic, geographic and other living conditions in the national Arctic region require, however, the enthusiasm being supported by modern service infrastructure with a special priority to the health/ physical education and sport service centers to help attract the most active human resource (including the technical university graduates) to the areas as required by a variety of the formal national policy goals particularly the competitiveness-encouragement ones. Objective of the study was to analyze the demand for modern physical education and sport service facilities in the Arctic communities by a questioning survey of 282 locals. The survey made it possible to rank the priority infrastructure elements as follows: physical education and sport service centers, airports and railway connections.

Keywords: Arctic region, health, healthy lifestyle, physical education, physical education and sport service center.


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