Triple-actor didactics in physical education bachelor training process in context of anthropological approach


Dr.Hab., Professor R.K. Serezhnikova1
Dr.Hab., Professor N.Y. Shtreker1
Dr.Sc. Psych., Associate Professor I.P. Krasnoshchechenko1
Dr.Hab., Professor V.I. Kolesov2
1Tsiolkovsky Kaluga State University, Kaluga
2Pushkin Leningrad State University, St. Petersburg

Keywords: physical education specialist, anthropological approach, triple-actor didactics, educational environment, bachelor training.

Background. The ongoing reforms of the national academic education system give a high priority to the future physical education and sport (PES) specialist training quality with the physical education and sport process making a special emphasis on the personality development and physical progress, comprehensive knowledge and modern physical education and sport technologies application skills. The available resource of the national academic educational system in the physical education and sport domain remains largely underemployed in terms of the modern individualized education technologies of high promise for the future physical education and sport specialists [1] on the whole and the open learning and online education technologies in particular (L. Kartashova, N. Talyzina) [5]; with a special emphasis in the physical education and sport specialist training systems prioritizing the internal bodily energy (natural anthropic synergy) resource mobilizing goals; personality progress goals (G. Serikov, S. Serikov) [5]; and the anthropological approach; and with special efforts to develop the relevant theoretical provisions to have the above technologies successfully developed and implemented on a most efficient basis [2].

Objective of the study was to analyze benefits of the anthropological-approach-driven triple-actor didactics model in application to the physical education and sport specialist training system design.

Methods and structure of the study. The study was based on a prior theoretical analysis to spell out the key requirements to the target educational environment for the physical education bachelor training curriculum, with the training process viewed as anthropological-approach-driven practice highly sensitive to the modern human life values and fundamentals. The educational process is interpreted herein as the conscientious individual progress with due understanding of the own capacities [2], with the self-assertion and personality development process driven by a permanent self-reflection with a special attention to the necessary functional elements and creative solutions [8] in the professional competency building process. This concept was taken as a basis for the triple-actor didactics model considered one of the dimensions of the anthropologic educational process and designed on the commonly accepted general logics, principles and methods of a modern didactic process to facilitate the learning and skills mastering process [7].

We applied for the study purposes an education process survey, expert assessments and mathematical data processing toolkit to assess benefits of the new socio-cultural environment and the poly-motivational and balanced interactions of the educational process actors geared to facilitate the individual contributions to the educational environment and progress – with all these constituents necessary to outline and design the new triple-actor didactics model.

Study findings and discussion. Our educational process surveys and progress tests showed that the integrated computerized education environment with its interactive multimedia-technology-prioritizing education tools and resources may be highly promising and beneficial for progress of the ongoing education process reforms. With this idea in mind, we designed the anthropologic-approach-driven triple-actor didactics model in application to the physical education bachelor training system to include the following three domains.

(1) Meanings domain where the education environment is viewed as a key element of the professional training system and carrier of the necessary knowledge; (2) Values domain where the educational environment is considered a contributor to the creative self-assertion process with the students fully realizing the importance, benefits and meanings of every specific knowledge field for success; and (3) Semantic domain where the educational environment is perceived as the key element of the self-fulfillment process that models the basic life situations and caters for the educational needs of every student [2, 7].

It should be also emphasized that the triple-actor didactics model should be considered a key category of the modern cooperation-and-determination-driven educational paradigm. This paradigm is particularly beneficial for the efforts to secure new quality for the educational agenda of the future physical education specialist and his/her professional ambitions; with the own perceived identity making progress to the top-professional Self and, via the persistent reflection process, further to the people-centered cooperative service [3, 4]. The educational process is designed to secure progress in the following three interrelated dimensions: (1) creative personality building dimension (individual creativity fostering aspect); (2) physical education and sport specialist motivations and values building dimension; and (3) personal determination building (reflectivity prioritizing aspect) dimension; with this dimensional approach giving the means to analyze benefits of the triple-actor didactics model both in the performance and values related fields [6, 7].

In terms of definition of the training process essence in the new triple-actor didactics model, we would describe the conceptual basics of the anthropology-centered approach in the student self-fulfillment process as prioritizing the following two reasonably long processes: (1) internally determined professional personality development process; and (2) external individualized educational process; with the first one largely referring to the ‘conscientious’ efforts, and the latter to the ‘informational’ supply ones.

In the educational environment design process, we gave due priority to the common design principles to secure the system consistency, modular structure, broad informational resource, clarity, multilevel structure (for the education material presentations), cyclicality and versatility of the learning activity formats; and the validity and dependability to facilitate the progress tests and provide for the cognitive process control on a cyclical and reasonably consistent basis [9]. The education scenario within a curriculum of the academic discipline is dominated by descriptions of the logical interrelations of pages in the data flow presentable as charts and schemes that may vary depending on the student’s individual progress path or conscientious choice.

The educational environment was designed in a phased manner to: develop the educational process scenario; set technical goals; and work out the technical and practical progress securing projects. The key objective of the educational process scenario was to formulate and attain the priority training mission as required by the future service responsibilities of the physical education and sport specialist. The mission formulation process was designed to (1) set the individual goals for the specific training discipline; (2) analyze, systematize and categorize the education material; (3) set the individual progress levels for the discipline; (4) work out the progress tests for the discipline; and (5) develop and offer the individual cognitive activity design and management trajectory and toolkit.

As far as the array of the modern data-processing computerized educational technologies is concerned, we provisionally defined it as the integrated computerized environment. The integrated computerized environment was designed to include the hyper-textual/ multimedia presentations largely covering the standard training resource to step up the training/ cognitive process efficiency by giving the students a versatile toolkit to manage the data flow and effectively find, generalize, categorize and digest education materials.

Driven by the above system design logics and principles, we developed the customizable integrated computerized environment with its hyper-textual/ multimedia presentations for the following academic disciplines: Psychological and Educational Fundamentals of Physical Education; Didactical Mastery of a physical education and sport Specialist; Professional Service of a Sport Trainer; and the Professional Service Requirements to a physical education and sport specialist; with the new model implemented at K.E. Tsiolkovsky Kaluga State University.

At the beginner training stage, the audience was familiarized with the basics of the new integrated computerized environment, with primary knowledge and progress tests. At the main training stage, the students mastered the theoretical and practical materials of the academic discipline. The integrated computerized environment was managed largely based on analyses of the computerized progress test data. The students tested with Ка<0.7 were required to concentrate on the statistical vector of the integrated computerized environment within the individualized progress scenario offered by the trainer; and those tested with Ка>0.7 were required to concentrate on the dynamic vector of integrated computerized environment, with the critical data minable in the complex data flow by the individual efforts; and with the trainer’s control and corrective efforts driven by the feedbacks and progress test data.

Conclusion. According to the students’ progress test results, the interactive computerized educational environment puts the training/ cognitive process on a more efficient basis as it gives the means for the students and trainers to: concentrate on the training process goals and effectively attain them, with the training process facilitated by the dynamic vectors of the integrated computerized environment; step up the time efficiency of the learning process; have the training process efficiently individualized and customized as required to encourage the students’ self-reliance and self-control; create facilitating psychological environment for the learning and progress test processes. The hyper-media presentation toolkit applied by the integrated computerized environment makes it possible to visualize and verbalize the data flow to help the student browse through the complex textual/ visual material and efficiently find and digest the critical information for the training process success. The education tools provided by the new model were found particularly valuable and beneficial for the physical education and sport students who normally combine the academic education with active sport trainings and competitions and may otherwise lag behind in the formal academic studies.


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The study analyzes the anthropological-approach-driven triple-actor didactics model and its benefits with an emphasis on the facilitating educational provisions and environment to form a consistent world outlook (with its values and priorities) and the theoretical/ practical (instrumental) fundamentals in the learning process. Any student’s activity may be described as the constant settlement of contradictions between the individual integral live system (personality) and the objective conditions of the educational environment. The study provides theoretical grounds for the new physical education bachelor training system developed on the untraditional approaches to the educational process design in the educator-student-environment formats. The triple-actor education format will be ideally implemented via the interactive educator-student communication within the facilitating educational framework. The educational process scenario under the academic curriculum, as provided by the new triple-actor didactics model, is based on hyper-medial presentations of the study materials with the relevant efficient visual and verbal data flow processing toolkits; and with flexible optional/ customizable textual material analyzing and management tools to facilitate the learning process. Such education environment provides the communication tools for employment of the general human cultural database to secure the data mining, storage, management, presentation, transmission, processing and complementing in a most efficient manner; self-reliant studies assisted by the database; and the high-intensity productive vertical and horizontal interactions of the education process actors.