Self-fulfillment agendas to improve national physical education and sports management system


Dr.Hab., Professor S.I. Filimonova1
Dr.Hab., Professor L.B. Andryushchenko1
Y.O. Averyasova1
Y.B. Filimonova1
Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Moscow

Keywords: physical education and sports sector, self-fulfillment, athletes, self-fulfillment types, physical agents.

Background. Any analysis of the national socio-economic evolution in the new millennium shows that the technological progress tends to radically change the human nature and agendas albeit the natural need in physical activity is always there. Physical education and sports (PES) sector services are increasingly appreciated for their physical development and self-fulfillment opportunities with the vocational discernment, individual progress goals, life senses and self-assertion agendas (S.I. Filimonova, 2013).

Objective of the study was to analyze and provide theoretical grounds for an individual self-fulfillment in the national physical education and sports sector.

Study findings and discussion. Modern physical education and sport service offered by the national educational system gives the widest possible opportunities for efficient self-fulfillment and health building, with the academic sport trainings geared to satisfy the natural motor needs of the students. It is commonly recognized that the more systemic and harmonized are the design elements of the PES system, the wider are the physical progress opportunities it offers. An individual social experience may be interpreted as the outcome of the active interaction with the PES environments; and the experience accumulation process may be described as the social communication and activity mastering and individual life design and management process.

The PES control system implies setting the process goals and finding the best ways and methods for the goals to be attained. Analyses of the popular concepts of the PES control system makes it possible to give the following definition to it. PES control system is the combination of elements, subsystems, communication infrastructure and processes geared to secure the desired operations of the system and its perfection within a certain framework described with the given degree of detailing. Real economic, institutional and psychological benefits of such a perfection process will depend on the process timing, methods and the process control leader/ specialist aptitude, intuition, skills and knowledge.

Any organization may be viewed as a complicated social mechanism anthropomorphic to a certain degree. Corporate control mechanism in the PES sector may be defined as the combination of interrelated management decisions and actions within some technological and operational framework and process, and with the relevant control units and officers acting to attain certain goals and fulfill the system mission – that is to provide high-quality education. The education specialist in charge of the process may be viewed as the physical agent of the PES system that controls every process in the system, with the progress avenues of the PES system and its control process effectiveness being totally dependent on the agent’s individual credentials, skills, knowledge, psychophysical qualities, cultural and ethical development – and the self-fulfillment type on the whole.

As far as the individual operational approach is concerned, the modern philosophy defines self-fulfillment as the individual abilities mobilizing and employing process for success in the creative, competitive and other domains, with the individual gifts and creative qualities fully mobilized for the self-assertion and life mission.

We give herein special attention to every self-fulfillment criterion with its operability verified by actual life realities. Individual satisfaction, the first self-fulfillment criterion, may be defined as the positive attitude to and appreciation of own vocation with full awareness of the internal and internal factors of influence on the individual discernment and self-fulfillment agenda in the vocational field – within the frame of the knowledge and conceptions of the self-fulfillment mission, its role and values for the personality development agenda. Satisfaction may be equally interpreted as the devotion to the vocational activity and every associated element thereof.

Individual success, the second self-fulfillment criterion, may be defined as the effectiveness of the self-fulfillment process i.e. accumulated knowledge, skills, experience and perfection in the personal vocational field, with due focus on the individual mission and values system. Health, the third self-fulfillment criterion, may be defined as the self-fulfillment process cost element measured by the efforts, gifts and other psychophysical resources the individual is prepared to pay for success of the self-fulfillment process. It is the perfect harmony of passion/ love, success and health that may be referred to as happiness and, therefore, there are good reasons to interpret perfect self-fulfillment as happiness. The self-fulfillment process, unlike other life processes, appears to be polyvalent – that means that it manifests itself in and contributes to virtually every individual activity.

Interim self-fulfillment need may be satisfied when the goal is attained, with the process need making a step to the next level as required by the new self-fulfillment goal achieved by a set of new methods and tools. The polyvalent self-fulfillment need is genuinely determined by the needs ascendance logics. This ascendance logics implies that an individual may be successful in satisfying the interim/ elementary needs albeit full satisfaction is never achievable. In other words, the needs ascendance logics implies the personality growth process being permanent as dictated by the self-perfection agenda for staged self-fulfillment during the whole lifetime. It is individual creativity, determination and focus that comprise the internal prerequisites for success of the self-fulfillment process.

The self-fulfillment rating tests using the relevant test criteria (as provided by the S.I. Filomonova Test Method, 2004) with the relevant mathematical data processing and modeling toolkit applied under the study gave us the means to offer the following classification of the self-fulfillment types: (1) optimal self-fulfillment type; (2) incomplete self-fulfillment type; (3) cost-inefficient self-fulfillment type; (4) imaginary self-fulfillment type; and (5) failed self-fulfillment type.

The optimal self-fulfillment type is tested to have the highest possible satisfaction and self-assertion rates with reasonable progress cost rate – as opposed to the failed self-fulfillment type, with its lowest possible satisfaction and self-assertion test rates and too high progress cost rates. It should be noted that when the tests show negative values for at least one of the test criteria, they should be interpreted as indicative of the imaginary self-fulfillment type. In some cases, rating data benchmarking analyses need to be applied for the self-fulfillment typing purposes. When, for instance, highly efficient self-fulfillment is attained at too high progress cost, it may be interpreted as indicative of the cost-inefficient self-fulfillment type – as opposed to the reasonably efficient self-fulfillment attained at reasonable progress cost albeit still attributable to the incomplete self-fulfillment type.

It should be emphasized that the actual distribution patterns of the self-fulfillment types may vary depending on the PES sector progress stage. Given on Figure 1 hereunder are the tested variations of the self-fulfillment types in elite athletes (qualified at least a CMS) for 3 decades. The longitudinal test data show the obvious historic transition from the optimal self-fulfillment type – that dominated in the 1990ies – to the imaginary self-fulfillment type in 2016, with the trend to be addressed by the relevant corrective efforts. Regretfully this is a growing trend with its negative implications for the national physical education and sports sector; albeit the individual exposure to the trend still largely depends on the personal agenda.


Figure 1. Tested variations of the self-fulfillment types in elite athletes for 3 decades

Optimal Incomplete Cost-inefficient Imaginary Failed

Conclusion. Progress of the national physical education and sports sector is directly driven by the physical actors/ individuals who comprise its human resource, with the progress avenues and accomplishments largely determined by the individual self-fulfillment agendas and successes of these actors, each of them contributing more or less to the multisided cooperative relationships in the sector, with the successful cooperation process being supported by the high and conscientious need for self-analysis and self-fulfillment.

The study was supported by an internal grant from Plekhanov Russian University of Economics under the Physical Education and Sports Specialist Advancement Course: Theoretical and Practical Provisions Development and Implementation Project.


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Corresponding author: filimonovasi@mail.rAbstract

The study analyzes the ways to improve the national physical education and sports (PES) management system by the initiatives to encourage the self-fulfillment agendas of the sector actors; and gives the theoretical grounds for the personality progress factor contribution to the sector progress policies. It is common knowledge that a PES sector progress is directly dependent of the quality of the progress-driving human resource, with the progress policies and practices largely determined by the self-fulfillment agendas of the key process management and execution actors with their multisided cooperation and communication forms. It is obvious that no cooperation process is possible unless spearheaded by the self-fulfillment and self-discovery motivations of the key process actors. The self-fulfillment rating data with mathematical data processing and modeling tools applied under the study gave us the means to offer the following classification of the self-fulfillment types: (1) optimal self-fulfillment type; (2) incomplete self-fulfillment type; (3) cost-inefficient self-fulfillment type; (4) imaginary self-fulfillment type; and (5) failed self-fulfillment type. It should be noted that the actual distribution patterns of the self-fulfillment types may vary depending on the PES sector progress stage.