Competitive performance rating studies in youth bandy


Associate Professor, PhD A.Y. Malofeev1
Associate Professor, PhD S.N. Klyuchnikova1
PhD D.N. Nemytov1
1Ulyanovsk State Pedagogical University named after I.N. Ulyanov, Ulyanovsk

Technical and tactical fitness of the young hockey player, formed during the annual process, is expressed in the course of competitive activity in the form of various motor actions on skates. Persistent and systemic competitive performance rating studies in modern junior team sports help qualify and quantify the athletes’ primary skills in the training and competitive processes. Such objective training performance rating tools in modern bandy with the competitive performance analyses give the means to rate the players’ technical and tactical skills and make timely corrections to the training process.
The present study analyzes the competitive performance rating data of 10-13 year-old bandy players with an emphasis on every skill quality and success and the individual game control tactics in matches. It should be mentioned that multiple factors of influence on the competitive performance should be taken into account to effectively design and manage the educational and training process. Such factors in the modern youth bandy sport include at least individual functional/ physical fitness indices; tactical skill levels; seasonal competitive performance variation indices; mental qualities tested by competitions; actual competitive experience etc..

Keywords: bandy, competitive performance, bandy techniques, technical/ tactical skills rating criteria .


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