Psychological and educatory service to facilitate sporting agenda formation in adolescents in sport training process


Associate Professor, Dr.Hab. E.A. Cherepov1
Associate Professor, PhD G.K. Kalugina1
Postgraduate A.S. Khafizova1
1South Ural State University (National Research University), Chelyabinsk

The study makes an attempt to facilitate formation of a theoretical and practical awareness of the potential sport careers in adolescents, with the sport practices viewed as a potential foundation for future sport careers.
We used the L.N. Sobchik Children’s Questionnaire data obtained for the last 8 years to classify and analyze the group standards and individual personality qualities and their interactions in the adolescent groups to understand the systemic personality development trends in the national adolescent population. It was found that some personality qualities including the spontaneous emotionality, rigidity, introversion and emotional volatility – are the most susceptible to positive transformations in adolescents.
The study data and analyses demonstrate that sport trainings in adolescent age may evolve into the core personal life mission when they are (1) unregulated too strictly and driven by fair reality-shaping values and senses; (2) appealing for and appreciated by the relevant social groups; (3) expressly demonstrative and appreciated by the supporters/ spectators; and (4) associated with peer communication, friendship, good motivations and self-assertion of great importance for the age group.

Keywords: core life mission, adolescents, personality qualities, sport trainings.


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