Female students’ physical fitness rates versus thermotaxis at low temperatures


Dr.Biol., Professor Y.N. Romanov1
Associate Professor, PhD A.A. Pletnev1
Associate Professor, PhD E.V. Zadorina1
E.F. Baymukhametova1
1South Ural State University (National Research University), Chelyabinsk

According to research, one of the most important types of homeostasis for the human body is maintaining optimal body temperature controlled mainly by the hypothalamus. The study analyzes the influence of physical fitness indices on thermotaxis at modestly low temperatures in female students. Thermograms were generated by BALTECH TR-01500 Thermal Imaging System, with infrared images of the Group1/ 3 students’ skin temperature. The highly physically fit Candidate Masters of Sport (n1=20) were tested with much better thermal regulation rates versus the non-sporting female students (n3=20) under physical loads. The student Group 1 body temperature regulation strategy following a 170s warm-up and relaxation was found quite efficient, in contrast to the student Group 3 that was tested with the significant fall in the skin temperature.

Keywords: skin temperature, thermotaxis, homeostasis, thermal adaptation, female students.


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