Professional competency advancement trainings for adaptive physical education specialists


Dr.Hab., Professor F.D. Rasskazov1
Graduate student O.Y. Muller1
1Surgut State University, Surgut

The article analyzes findings of an experiment run at the Disabled People Sport Training and Rehabilitation Center geared to assess benefits of new professional competency advancement trainings for the adaptive physical education (PE) specialists. The experiment was intended to rate mostly the personality and reflective competences in the sample. At the first stage of the experiment, the new advancement trainings were offered to the sample of adaptive physical education specialists. At the progress testing stage of the experiment, the EG and RG were tested to rate the post-experimental personality and reflective competences versus the pre-experimental ones. The comparative analysis showed benefits of the new advancement training technology as verified by the EG versus RG progress in the personality and reflective competences. The study findings may be highly beneficial for designers of the adaptive PE specialist advancement courses and the relevant education models.

Keywords: adaptive physical education, professional competency, professional training.


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