Respiration control practices to improve energy resource in women’s fitness



O.N. Burbanova1
Dr.Biol., Professor Y.A. Bukov1
I.A. Kovalskaya1
I.M. Belousova1
Master V.V. Kolenchenko1
1V.I. Vernadsky Crimean Federal University, Simferopol

Introduction. There is a wide variety of means and methods of optimization of the functional state of those people who are in great need of preventive, corrective and rehabilitation measures, the development and implementation of which often outpace the formation of the scientifically substantiated ideas about the mechanisms of action, nature and features of the states they optimize. At the same time, there is a number of well-substantiated classifications, which, however, do not cover the entire range of the functional state regulation methods [4, 3]. Increased energy potential and adaptive system lability are of key importance in the process of health promotion and improvement of physical working capacity. The programs of stimulation of the body’s systems should be based on the ergotropic influences. Aerobic physical loadings combined with the standard breathing exercises in the form of additional functional loads will increase the respiratory system functional reserves, which, in turn, will enhance the training effect [2, 6]. Thus, the direct impact on the functional systems of the body leads to more rapid optimal adaptive restructuring and improvement of adaptation mechanisms, which promotes the energy potential efficiency. Fitness practices with a targeted impact on the respiratory system result in the more pronounced effects. Improvement of the human ability to voluntarily control his/her autonomic functions opens up new possibilities for quick and effective achievement during the training process of the set goal [2, 5].

Based on the above, it can be assumed that the problem of improvement of the functional capacities of the body can be solved through the use of ergogenic agents. However, the question of the role of ergogenic agents in optimization of the functional state warrants further investigation, which determines the relevance of the study.

Objective of the study was to determine the effectiveness and impact of specified breathing exercises regularly used during fitness training on the functional capacities of young females.

Methods  and structure of the study. The trainees were split into two groups: Reference (RG, n=15) and Experimental (EG, n=18), similar in the level of physical development and fitness, all aged from 18 to 25 years. The RG was trained under the traditional physical education program, the training sessions were conducted according to the standard fitness program. The EG was trained according to the adjusted physical education program that included respiratory training consisting of the model cycles. The scheme of the exercise course is presented in Fig. 1.

Fig. 1. Voluntary dynamic respiration control

The respiratory system functionality was studied by means of pneumotachometry using the 'Spiro-Test PC" device with the computer data processing. At the same time, the following functional indicators were recorded: peak expiratory flow (PEF, l/s), maximum expiratory flow at 25, 50, 75% of VC (MEF25, MEF50, MEF75, l/s), vital capacity (VC), pulmonary ventilation effectiveness (VEO2)

The ergogenic effect was revealed in terms of energy potential. For this purpose, a step incremental cycle ergometer test was applied to determine the anaerobic threshold

Results and discussion. The targeted effects of voluntary control of breathing contributed to a higher level of reserve capabilities of the breathing mechanics in the women involved in respiratory training as opposed to the RG. The findings are presented in Table 1.

Table 1. Breathing mechanics indicators in the examined women (X±Sx)








Experimental (n=18)






















*– significance of differences relative to the Experimental Group: * p≤ 0.05; **p≤0.01; ***p≤0.001.

Thus, we observed the pronounced changes in the bronchial patency relative to the Reference Group. The analysis of the forced expiratory volume and evaluation of the speed parameters revealed a significant increase in the volume-speed characteristics. These changes are obviously associated with increased contractility of the respiratory muscles and an increase in the chest excursion, which contributed to an increase in the expiratory flow rate in the large, mid-, and small bronchi by 11.2%, 13.0%, 34.2%, respectively. At the same time, the peak expiratory rate, as an integral bronchial patency indicator, increased by 20.8% (p<0.001) under the influence of the respiratory training (see Table 1).

Enhanced respiratory system functionality was manifested in the growth of the vital capacity indices by 25% (p<0.001). The difference between the VC values in the Reference and Experimental Groups was more than 1.01 l. Improvement of the mechanisms of adaptation under the influence of regular breathing exercises was accompanied by the expansion of the range of effectiveness of pulmonary ventilation, which was primarily expressed in a decrease in the ventilation equivalent for oxygen by 39% (p<0.001). Therefore, the proposed technique of voluntary respiration control contributed to a decrease in the reactivity of the respiratory system, which can be due to the development of increased tolerance of the body of young females to the effects of environmental factors. One of the criteria for aerobic capacity and body’s energy potential is anaerobic threshold (AnT). It is known that the AnT level is achieved when the ventilatory demand exceeds the ventilatory capacity [1]. As seen from the diagram, in the Reference Group, the AnT level was achieved under the load of 100 W (Fig. 2).

Fig 2. AnT values in the examined female groups

At this level of loading, there was a sharp increase in carbon dioxide production (PACO2) and a decrease in the ventilation equivalent for oxygen (VEO2) to meet the metabolic demand. While in the Experimental Group the AnT level was registered under the load of 150 W, which indicated the expansion of the aerobic energy supply zone compared to the Control Group.

Consequently, the voluntary respiration control practices are an adequate training factor contributing to the increase in the effectiveness of physical training and health activities.


  • Inclusion into the fitness program for young females of additional ergogenic means in the form of the special cycled voluntary respiration control practices was found to build up the trainees’ functionality.
  • An important ergogenic effect of the respiration control practices was the stimulation of the women’s energy resource associated with improvements in the bodily aerobic capacities.


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The study was designed to analyze benefits of the respiration control practices to improve the physicality and functionality in the 18-25 year-old women’s fitness group. The special cycled respiration control practices were found to build up the bodily energy resource as verified by the external respiration system functionality, physical working capacity and adaptability test rates. The practices were found of ergogenic and stimulating effects on the sample energy resource associated with improvements in the bodily aerobic capacities, somatic health and physical fitness test rates.