Gas-discharge visualization method in sport bioelectrography



Dr.Sc.Tech., Professor K.G. Korotkov1
PhD A.K. Korotkova1
1St. Petersburg Scientific Research Institute of Physical Culture, St. Petersburg

The article analyzes the history of the gas-discharge visualization (GDV) method application in sports since the pioneering studies by Professor P.V. Bundzen in the late 1990s that showed benefits of the GDV method for the psycho-physiological condition and competitive fitness tests. The multiannual studies since then demonstrated benefits of the method for the competitive conditioning and forecasts as verified by the practical application experience of the Russian paralympians. The 20-year-long practical experience of the GDV method application has been successful as verified by the psycho-physiological condition and competitive fitness tests and forecasts. For the last few years the GDV method has been increasingly applied in trainings of the Russian national Paralympic and Olympic teams. The method application procedures are being actively used in the US, Spain, Malaysia, Belorussia and Ukraine, with the SPIPE analysts providing necessary consulting and practical support to the users.

Keywords: gas-discharge visualization method, psychodiagnostics, sport.


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